Call for applications: COCONET II SEA Digital Rights Camp

When: October 20–26, 2019
Where: Rizal, Philippines
Deadline: Aug 11, 2019, 11.59pm (GMT +8)

Coconet is a platform for digital rights movement building in Southeast Asia.

From October 20-26, 2019, 100-120 film-makers, researchers, journalists, human rights advocates, and technologists from across Asia will gather in the Philippines for Coconet II, a digital rights camp.

Organised by EngageMedia, the Association for Progressive Communications, the Southeast Asian Press Alliance and a host of partners, the camp will break down silos, catalyse regional networking and collaboration, develop skills, deepen relationships, spark campaigns, and bring new actors into the digital rights field.

From October 20-26, 2019, 100-120 activists, film-makers, researchers, journalists, human rights advocates, and technologists from across Asia will gather in the Philippines to break down silos, catalyse regional networking and collaboration, develop skills, deepen relationships, spark campaigns, and bring new actors into the digital rights field. While primarily targeted at Southeast Asia, we also welcome applications from East and South Asia, and Oceania.

We encourage applications from:

  • Campaigners and human rights defenders
  • Open source advocates, digital security trainers, and technologists supporting non-profits
  • Creative change-makers, including artists, designers, and film-makers
  • Journalists and bloggers
  • Policy experts, including lawyers, researchers, and academics

Applications close August 11, 2019, 11.59pm (GMT +8).

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